This was written for Three Word Wednesday. I have been feeling so insignificant lately. A nothing full of ideas that when I try to get them down on paper turn into more nothing. I wanted to write someone like that, someone that wasn't all that special of herself, but who was special in what she could do - there is power in being able to create something out of nothing and take people to see other people and lands and times with just your words and your voice. I liked the idea that came to me, and maybe I will be writing some of Kii's stories? I have you enjoyed Buffer. Transition. Unity. :)
- Scribbler
Just write, it doesn't matter if it doesn't make any sense, doesn't matter if you like it. Write because you want to. Just always, always enjoy putting your words on paper, the computer, wherever you wish. My trick is to allow my mind to just, wander wherever it wishes. So, I can start off happy and end up miserable or, vice versa. Just do it because it's in your blood to do it :)